![]() The Dallas Mayor’s Intern Fellows Program has been put on hold pending program changes from Mayor Eric Johnson. Program changes coming soon.Companies, click here to login.
DALLAS MAYOR'S INTERN FELLOWS PROGRAMWho is EligibleGain experience and get paid on your summer vacation!June 8, 2020 - July 31, 2020Who is eligible to participate?![]() High School and residency requirements:
Additional requirements:
For more information e-mail:
Students & Families: students@mayorsinterns.org MIFP Facilitators: facilitators@mayorsinterns.org DALLAS MAYOR'S INTERN FELLOWS PROGRAMThe Process![]() How does it work?Step 1 (Application Process):
Step 2 (Student Prep Process):
Step 3 (Interview Process):
Step 4 (The Internship):
Step 5 (Requirements of the Internship):
For more information e-mail: help@mayorsinterns.org DALLAS MAYOR'S INTERN FELLOWS PROGRAMKey Dates
For more information e-mail: help@mayorsinterns.org DALLAS MAYOR'S INTERN FELLOWS PROGRAM![]() ![]() The Dallas Mayor’s Intern Fellows Program student application has been delayed. Once programming has been updated and approved, we will notify all Mayor’s Interns Fellows Program High School Campus Facilitators. The Campus Facilitators will notify their students on their respective campuses. DALLAS MAYOR'S INTERN FELLOWS PROGRAM